Newport RI
Illustrations and recommendations from a winter in Newport Rhode Island
Do / Eat / Washington Square
shop local on Thames and around Eisenhower Park
Catch a movie at The JPT
Visit the Museum of Newport History (gift shop)
grab a beer and make local friends at the pub (Fastnet, Brick Alley, or Tavern on Broadway)
Bar Cino (cut your grilled pizza with scissors)
Perro Salado ( great food in an old house)
Las Vecina Taqueria (good vibes for tacos at the bar)
White Horse Tavern (historic)
Stoneacre Brasserie (brunch? - Croque madame s'il vous plait )
Do / Eat / upper Bellevue
Visit the Redwood Library and Athenaeum
Visit the Newport Art Museum
Stay at the Viking Hotel
Walk around the park
Shop at Isle Newport and the other shops on Bellevue